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“Oh Mrs Earnshaw, never did a little lad come into the world with such joy. Look at his little face, like a little cherub! He has your disposition and no mistake, but he has the Earnshaw look.."

Jillian Bradley retrained as an actor having been a professional portrait painter, notably she produced a collection of portraits within Formula One Motor Racing which exhibited internationally. She was also formerly a Model. Her passion for performance based arts led Jillian to change creative focus. Her acting work has included roles within television, film and theatre. She is an admirer of the Bronte sisters work and has played both 'Cathy' and 'Bertha' in Polly Teale's plays 'Bronte' and 'Jane Eyre'.Although now based in London, Jillian grew up in Shropshire and still visits 'home' regularly. "The beauty of the hills is unrivalled, in fact I wander the land in much the same fashion as Emily Bronte and her heroine Cathy!" She is looking forward to filming there and the other welsh border counties and is excited to be involved in this project.

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